Laurent Malka

Laurent Malka is the Co-Founder of Anytrack. He was born and raised in Switzerland, and now lives and works in Israel. He is a serial entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in marketing and business development. Laurent has been a panelist and speaker at numerous digital marketing events including SEMrush and IG Affiliates. He prides himself on his ability to connect the dots across disciplines, industries, and technologies to solve unique challenges.

anytrack pricing
Laurent Malka

Why and how we updated AnyTrack pricing.

It’s been about 6 months since AnyTrack platform is up and running, and it’s time to make some pricing adjustments. Don’t worry tough. You’re going to pay less and get more.

track offline conversions with zapier
Laurent Malka

How to track offline conversions using Zapier

When your advertiser or merchant doesn’t support any form of postback tracking, your last option is to import manually the conversions into your marketing system. AnyTrack lets you use Zapier in order to automate offline conversion tracking.

What are webhooks?
Laurent Malka

What are webhooks?

Webhooks are notifications that applications like Mailchimp, can post to an URL. These notifications carry data, which you can then import into other applications.

Conversion tracking explained
Laurent Malka

Conversion Tracking: Complexity or Complication?

Conversion tracking is the most important measurement that helps digital marketers optimize their campaigns. This post will help you understand the tracking challenges and solve them with a single line of code!

How to Track affiliate conversions in Google Ads
Laurent Malka

Google Ads Conversion Tracking For Affiliates

Google Ads tracking for affiliates is a huge challenge for affiliate marketers. This post will show you how to track affiliate conversions in google ads without adding the google ads tracking code or google analytics on the offer thank you page.

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