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Taboola anytrack integration

Unlock the Full Potential of Taboola with AnyTrack

Seamlessly Integrate Taboola and AnyTrack for Unmatched Conversion Tracking and Data-Driven Marketing

No credit card required

Send Conversion and audience data from any integrations to Taboola

How It works

Run campaigns with full confidence

Because AnyTrack sends all your conversions to Taboola, you can quickly optimize campaigns, and apply ROI bid strategy.

With the AnyTrack for Taboola integration, you can focus on improving your ad copy, landing page conversion rate, and grow your campaigns using your entire data-set.

Quick & Easy setup

With the switch of a button, AnyTrack starts sending engagement and conversion data to your Taboola pixel.

Improve targeting

Target the right visitor at the right moment with powerful data-driven marketing and improve your campaigns ROI.

What our clients are saying.

Frequently Asked Question

Everything you need to know about the AnyTrack - Taboola integration

While the Taboola Pixel and AnyTrack have some common functions, they can’t be compared.
The Taboola Pixel is the tool provided by Taboola to measure your Taboola campaigns performances and build audiences. However, in many cases, you cannot place the Taboola Pixel on your merchant site or affiliate program dashboard. This is where AnyTrack comes in to bridge the data gap between your site, Taboola Pixel and advertisers, affiliate program and other analytics.

No. AnyTrack will load it for you.

No. AnyTrack will automatically add and trigger the Taboola Event Tracking Code. Below is an example of the event tracking code provided by Taboola. We automatically fire it during form submission or outbound clicks.
<!-- Taboola Pixel Code -->
_tfa.push({notify: 'event', name: 'ub_view_content', id: xxxxxx});
<img src=''
width='0' height='0' style='display:none' />
<!-- End of Taboola Pixel Code -->

Once you turn on the Taboola integration, AnyTrack will automatically send conversions to the Taboola Conversion API. 

Once you turn on the Taboola integration, you will be prompted to upgrade your account. Add your coupon to start your 14 days free trial.

Taboola Campaigns Use cases

Because you can tie every engagement and conversion with your Taboola Pixel, you have now the ability to implement any type of marketing flow. Targeting users who submitted a form but did not trigger a conversion, or those that clicked on your ads but did not click on your product links, or even target users that triggered a conversion, with an upsell.  

Get started with the AnyTrack for Taboola Integration!

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