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Why and how we updated AnyTrack pricing.

It’s been about 6 months since AnyTrack platform is up and running, and it’s time to make some pricing adjustments. Don’t worry tough. You’re going to pay less and get more.
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Why and how we updated AnyTrack pricing.

AnyTrack pricing has barely been updated since we launched the platform in October 2019. Besides a few cosmetic changes, we left the plans as they were.

Yet, after over six months, we have compiled enough data spoke to many customers, and gathered enough feedback to  make some changes that we are sure will please you.

First and foremost, as you may know, AnyTrack has been primarily built for search engine marketers. And as the platform evolved, it got richer with features built for SEO, content marketers and native ads.

While we were working hard on building the platform, we mostly focused on adapting the platform’s features for specific types of marketing, but did not adapt the pricing accordingly. As we were quarantined, we did our homework and decided to make some adjustments to align features, volume of traffic with core marketing methods. 

We also looked at how “Tracked Events” were counting toward your billing plans, and made a fundamental change in this regard. 

Instead of counting tracked events, we will count sessions.



Session Count vs Tracked Events Count.

When a visitor loads your site, a session starts. During this session, the user might visit several pages, trigger engagements, and eventually conversions. Long story short, the better your site is, the lower your bounce rate will be, and the more events you’ll generate for a single session.

How’s this new method affecting you? You can be 100% sure to have less sessions than tracked events. But if you run a very successful site, the ratio can be anywhere between 20% to 50% less.



The Basic Plan for SEO and Content Marketers.

If you’re not running any paid campaigns, it’s unlikely that you’ll make use of the Facebook API or Google Ads integration. For that reason, we’ve created the Basic Plan, which lets you track your affiliate conversion data in Google Analytics. 

This plan is perfect to track and measure your SEO ROI, tie you content with real revenues and when you tie this data with your SEMrush data, you can really get some cool insights about how valuable is your traffic, and whether it could be worth to advertise on Google Ads.
And if you’re tempted to run some campaigns on Google Ads, you can build up high-intent custom audiences to retarget in Google Ads.


Session count increased across all plans.

Finally, we’ve increased session count allowance across all plans, and reduced significantly the overage fees.



LESS is MORE is still our MOTO

As you might remember from our launch post, we started AnyTrack aiming to provide you with a platform build around the LESS is MORE philosophy. 

LESS setup, maintenance, routine tasks and headaches.

MORE access to data, exclusive features, integrations and marketing opportunities.

With this new pricing and the way we count traffic toward your plan, we hope you’ll enjoy LESS pain in your wallet, and MORE data to work with.

Check out the AnyTrack pricing here.

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Laurent Malka Co-Founder

Laurent Malka is the Co-Founder of Anytrack. He was born and raised in Switzerland, and now lives and works in Israel. He is a serial entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in marketing and business development. Laurent has been a panelist and speaker at numerous digital marketing events including SEMrush and IG Affiliates. He prides himself on his ability to connect the dots across disciplines, industries, and technologies to solve unique challenges.